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She Said. Our garden

My sister-in-law April and I are planting a garden together. Tonight we planted seeds to go along with the plants we put in last week. The three little cousins helped so it might mean all the plants come up in one hole. Some of the seeds were so small they looked like dust - thyme especially. We planted then watered. One of the varieties was Jelly Bean tomatoes. I can't wait for them to come up. They take 80 days to harvest, so we'll be waiting quite a while. When they start coming up we will have to mind that we don't pull them up for weeds. We did buy some plants already started so we didn't go totally from seed.

I've planted tomatoes before but this is my first true garden. We had a friend with a tiller that we paid to till it up. But when we went out to plant a few things it looked like the soil was still very compacted. We had to call in the CFS yard guys to do a soil makeover. My dad got a load of manure in his truck and they got a little more, and it started to look like a real garden with soil that might actually grow something.

I bought some Thai eggplant and some Hungarian peppers at the Anderson Farmer's Market. The man that I bought them from told me that this Hungarian lady snuck the seeds in from Hungary past customs without declaring them, and they are really good peppers. It made for a good story so he got my $2.50 to try them out.


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